Abstract:Since early Qing Dynastyꎬ the royal court had been bureaucratizing the native tribal headmen in Yi populated ar ̄ eas. As a royal surrogate of Qing dynasty stationed in the southwest frontiersꎬ Wu Sangui was depicted differently in Yi lit ̄ erary books Unofficial History of Wu Sangui and War History of Bu and Mo. In War History of Bu and Moꎬ Wu is an ene ̄ myꎬ while in Unofficial History of Wu Sanguiꎬ he is somehow sympathized. Becauseꎬ for oneꎬ Wu Sangui had different policy attitudes towards Yi people in different periods of his ruleꎻ for the otherꎬ it was attributed to the different memories accepted by the memory groups. Meanwhileꎬ although the events depicted in the two books are differentꎬ it reflects the Yi people in Yunnan and Guizhou regions had the same national identification with the imperial Qing state.